Sacré blues : an unsentimental journey through Quebec
Auteur :
For referendum-weary English Canadians, Quebec is an enigma wrapped in a yawn, so Grescoe explores a francophone country-and-western festival in rural Mauricie, deconstructs a Montreal Canadiens hockey game, covers the stunning diversity of Quebec's newspapers, and dismantles Bombardier snowmobiles, all while meeting Mohawk Warriors, Yiddish-speaking French Canadians, and the UFO-obsessed followers of Raël. He describes Quebec's love-hate relationship with France and the United States; the dance, theatre, and literary productions celebrated in Europe but little known here; and its fears about distinctness on an increasingly uniform continent.
Langue originale :
Editeur :
Genre :
Support :
Daisy audio
Durée :
Adaptation :
Institut national canadien pour les aveugles (ABC)
Tranche d'âge :
Extrait sonore