Stars between the sun and moon : one woman's life in North Korea and escape to freedom
Auteur :
Born in the seventies in North Korea, Lucia Jang grew up in a typical household - her parents worked in the factories, and the family scraped by on government rations of rice and what little food they could grow in their small garden. For the nation, it was the beginning of a chaotic period. The country would face a decade-long famine resulting in more than a million dead. In this bleak landscape Jang dedicates herself to helping her parents and siblings survive. Eventually, she risks everything to flee her home country forever, determined to start a new life. This is her story.
Langue originale :
Editeur :
Genre :
Support :
Daisy audio
Durée :
Adaptation :
Institut national canadien pour les aveugles (ABC)
Tranche d'âge :
Extrait sonore